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Page history last edited by Alan Levine 4 years, 10 months ago


Mmmm, pass the sweet photos around, aren't they tasty?




Creative Commons licensed photo by flickr user "addon"







Why Photosharing?

This topic may be one you think is not so special, but the rapid ascent of digital cameras as a consumer item, has revolutionized not just the business of old companies like Kodak. Personal photographs are important to people of almost every culture and age, and that creates a special motivation for people to learn how to use new technologies.


And now with mobile phones and PDAs becoming equipped with cameras, there are even more and easy ways to capture a snapshot.



See also

* Digital Photography Weblog

* Digital Camera Fundamentals and Trends

* Steves DigiCam camera reviews

* Imaging Resource

* Shutterbug

* Digicamera Help "Digital camera help for beginners and beyond"

* Photography Hack photography, cameras, photo editing and general digital image hackery

* Picture Phoning "covers the new world of picture and video phones"



The Magic And Zen of flickr

Among the the many online sites for posting, sharing, and communcation about digital images, flickr stands out for many reasons. In 2005, flickr was acquired by Yahoo, so if you have a Yahpp ID, you can use that same username to create a free flickr collection.


Here is a big but interesting list of things flickr











More on Flickr

* how to flickr Intro by Ben Bishop

* Flickr Bits "All stuff that's Flickr but not Flickr"

* The Grreat Flickr Tools Collection



The way flickr chronologically organizes photos (newest photos first) makes it simiar to weblogs (TryWeblogs). There are numerous other services that provide a similar functionality. the ones that specialize in blogging images posted by mobile phone or moblogging and there are also emerging blogs made from video or vidblogging.


See these examples:


And beyond images is video blogging or vidblogging


Where to Go?

Explore some of the sites that offer photoblogging services - create an account and start uploading!


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