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Page history last edited by Alan Levine 4 years, 10 months ago

Finding Free Stuff

Everyone likes a bargain... especially when it comes to media on the web




Creative Commons licensed photo by flickr user "Vidiot"






Do We Have To Ask Why?

You are looking for say a specific image... or music track... or video clip... to use on your web site... Powerpoint project... home digital movie. Where do you go to get free media without being sued by a record company or copyright holder?


There is the hard way- going through the hurdles of properly requesting permission or even paying for us. And there is the easy way- go to media source sites where the re-use is clearly stated.



More About Media Use and Copyright

* \"©opyright Doesn't Mean \"Copy it Outright!\" by Dr. Mary Lou Mosley and Donna Rebadow, Paradise Valley Community College

* Copyright and Fair Use: Doing the Right Thing developed for an online class with 14 page transcript from web-discussion with a copyright expert who responded to very specific scenarios.

* Intellectual Property Rights Maricopa District Legal Services Department

* Copyright Guidelines Maricopa District Legal Services Department

* Intellectual Property Law: Why Should I Care? Carlos And Eddie in 'Rock Machine' is a nicely designed site geared for students that includes useful reosurces.

* University of Texas Copyright Tutorial

* Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Site: Website Permissions

* Give Credit Where Credit is Due!

* Google-link for more examples of permission letters


Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a movement to simply the ways media creators can license and share thier works and at the same time, make it much easier to understand for people who wish to re-use media:



We use private rights to create public goods: creative works set free for certain uses. Like the free software and open-source movements, our ends are cooperative and community-minded, but our means are voluntary and libertarian. We work to offer creators a best-of-both-worlds way to protect their works while encouraging certain uses of them — to declare "some rights reserved."


Creative Commons offers a series of human readable licenses with logos and links to the terms of the license, so you can tell just by looking at a web site if the content there is open to re-use. If you see the Creative Commons logo, then you know exactly how you can reuse the content (and you do not have to spend the time asking permission as permission is granted by the license).



More on Creative Commons

* A Spectrum of Rights How It Works Creative commons explained by a comic

* Creative Commons in Education


The Sources of Free Stuff

A collection of suggested places to look for free media. Explore some of these, and find some media that might interest you. Add to your wiki notes (see HowTo for instructions) some notes on what you found,a nd how you might want to use the media.



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