Electronic Portfolios
Build, share, reflect on your learning and work accomplishments. It could be quite a meal!
What is an ePortfolio?
People including students use ePortfolios to display their work to the world, maybe to advance their career or maybe to reflect on their learning. Faculty might use a portfolio for their own performance reviews.
Some instructors can also use an ePortfolio as a course management tool to store documents, display a collection of materials, blog, and create surveys and quizzes. (Your pre and post survey was done using an ePortfolio)
Examples of ePortfolios
Here we provide a number of educational institutions where there is ePortfolio activity. See if you can explore some eportfolios and use your wiki notes see HowTo for instructions to describe what you found
Using the Maricopa ePort
We have a wonderful electronic portfolios developed right here at Chandler-Gilbert Community College and they have shared the software on a District server so anyone at the other 9 colleges can use the system.
This easy to use system allows you to customize the appearance, and to add many kinds of pages includings:
- collections of artifacts
- a blog
- a wiki
- slide shows
- surveys and polls
- podcasting and streaming media
- calendar
In fact, if you look at the topics of this workshop, you can find tools for all of them in this software!
You can find the Maricopa ePort at http://eport.maricopa.edu/
To get your own account, simply complete the request form. Jennifer Strickland (Paradise Valley) has created a fantastic 28 page illustrated guide to using the Maricopa ePort.
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